secondly- I heard my uncle nardy was in a chitlin eating contest! WHAT! mommy and poppy hated to miss that. hey what it a chitlin?
we went with the leggetts this morning to get a xmas tree! it was rainy but we found the perfect one really fast. so did sophia and her parents!
here is my super cute mommy who I get all of my good looks from and me with my very first xmas tree. I am still unsure at this point what the tree is for but it is bringing some joy out of everyone.
did you see my mittens? oh here is my ornament firsty one! at first when mommy and poppy put me down I thought t was the best thing! banging them and making them swing together. but then they explained to me that it was bad to do that and I picked one all by my self. so here it is.
guess what.... I found out I get hanukkah! poppy calls it hanamas. I call it presentamas, yeah!
so this is a xmas tree lets see here um.........sticky
poppy ran fast and snached satch it was funny. must have been 10 times. hahahaha
hope all had a good thanksgiving. bring on december.