Sunday, June 29, 2008

boy you'll never guess what all I did this weekend!!!!!????

hey everybody! I had a great weekend!!!!!!! look, this is how it started. In my very fine bathing suit. we got to play with all of sheleggetts family and friends at her folks lake house on lake Hartwell. why you help uncle charlie with his big three oh, whatever that is. mommy put baby sun lotion on me. I grabbed my shades and hat and off we went to the lake Hartwell. this is uncle Charlie in his birthday shirt. he used to be hairy.
I can't wait.......hurry I want to see what all of this swimming is all about.

this is shelegget. I like her she is going to have my bestest friend soon.........Sophia. we saw her in a funny looking peanut butter video.

mommy and poppy were so excited to see me swim. look how purdy mommy looks in her shades.

I think I see where I get my ears from. mommy is berry purdy when it is windy outside.
look at me look at me. I am swimming. there is fosterdog, he is poppy's lake buddy. he gets a work out with poppy. is that a fishy nibblin on my toes?

this is my back stroke. I like it when I jump in and splash big time.

but I need a boat of my own. thanks to team leggett, I got to use this super neat burtle. this is me trying to figure out the controls.

oh yeah I like the water. I went in two times and didn't want to get out and I stayed in a long time.

see I out lasted fosterdog.
swimming makes me hungry. time to eat. what's that man doing with that funny lookin broom that he is holding.......what's that poppy?........oh he is playing a buitar. it blew my mind!

I got to play with corrin. she gave me some tips on how to stand and eat like a big girl. there must have been 30 people there playing games wanting to hold me and eating all the time. they even asked where buddy was.

what is that! um mommy that thing is moving! looks and smells funny. uncle charlie hasn't stopped smiling though, um it moved again. a crawfish boil huh? where is my bottle?

ok let me hold it. it stinks.

hey who has got me? uncle chreeseesees! he is funny and makes me smile and cry at the same time, it is the best. blaaaahhhhhh

after all of that we found out that it was my 6 month birthday and they had fire works at the dam for us. so we went to see and it was great. we drove because we didn't have a life jacket for me but some watched from the party boat. if you ask me it wasn't cold enough for a jacket but what do I know. I barely have pants on.

then more fun but we had to leave......... oh I forgot......two of my furry sisters went too. astro was so good. I forgot how to use my car seat and she showed me how. satchel was a scaredy cat but the people like the hair.

then we saw it. big. gray. a fence like poppy's? dam, I don't know what should we do? we took a few pics.

I am beat. tanks for having all of us at the lake. I can't wait to do it again berry soon.

be nice on poppy's belly cause it looks like mine.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

some paze cutienesses

so my mommy isn't feeling bery well and it is poppy's turn to do stuff for me like dress me......wait a minute........ hey come here closer......closer

I am whisperin now ok.......he can't dress me bery well. one day I wore my pj's to school, really. glad no one noticed sept mommy. he also forgot to unbutton the back of one of my super neato cool ears are still here thank goodnuss.

it made my hair stand up!

look at this I am really using my legs and feetses. I like to bouncy bounce.

here, I caught one.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008

ti double gerrrrr fun.

boo! I'm tigger. surprise! be still, here I come.......

wait! where did you go? stop laughing at my tail? hey you're back. now be still, I am going to hop hop hop...........bong!

hey no fair you caught me! goooooooo heeee ha ha ha

again with the tail?

ok nighty night. I am stuper seepee.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

we went to tha outside and we wreally neededed a gud sun hat.

so mommy wanted to get some purdy plants for the new house but it is wreally wreally hot and sunny. mommy got all of my best sun hats and we had a hat show to find the best one for me to beat that hot mean ol' mr. sun! this is one of the first what do you tink poppy?

whats the face poppy? stop laughing...............ok next one peas!

what about dis one?

yeah you like it? let me seeeeeeeeeee!

I LIKE IT! hold the presses no need to try anymore. we have found the correct hat for mommies big day at her nursery not mine. thumbs up from me and mommies too!

ok lets go! lets find the best est phlowers for mommy. but poppy while I am in the baby bjorn..... I drive, ok?

mommies looks cute in all of the flowers......hey poppy take me over there I want to touch that flower.

no no that one. over there.

boy I phil like an exploreerer. don't I look like a scientist on safari?

hey I want to help push.

I like mommies day in the flowers. I think Mommy had fun............

what do you think? the answer is yup!