Tuesday, January 11, 2011

sometimes you've just got to put your tutu and flower headband on...

well everything seemed to be going well and then...

mommy & poppy say i have to wear my helmet from now on.
uh. it snowed....again!

poppy says this hill looks good for sledding. i said okay but that looks like my sandbox cover poppy...


okay. i have done a lot since we last talked but mommy and poppy are not so good with the updates and these are the only pictures i could find... they're the most recent though.

i poopy in the potty on a regular basis thank you very much. with the appropriate reading material, i'm very efficient.

here's me and my bud sophie doing our thing.

buddy was teaching me something.

got to hang out with my cousins.

lookit. unk is swinging too.

have to help keep astro smelling good.

i got to light candles this year! so fun.

i did a good job.

athens christmas parade!

watkinsville christmas parade (way more candy)

got to decorate my very own christmas tree for my room

we're best buds

then i had to leave a note for santa...
this is bubbles. he works for santa.

i like this santa man.

my new ride

buddy made me cheese toast. me and buddy like to drink our coffee together.
snow! satchel really likes snow.

the biggest news of all is that i am officially 3! that's big.

okay so i will see you guys later. i've got some stuff to do.