hey everybody! I have been running these duck bonkers! so far Decmeby has been so much fun going all over the place. but this weekend was the bee's knees! look what we are doing.......eating at the table. mommy and poppy are such good cooks they even let me try stuff.....fyi, black olives = cream corn if you know what I mean.
what was the best thing about eating at the table? um rubbing carrots in my hair. ( I learned that at school with gold fish.)
I have been ichatin and opps I skyped my pants. this is bb. she is funny, buddy too! I like talking to them. I get to show them stuff I learned and things I can do.
I got a present from team leggett on the way to see king toot.....I mean king tutty.....something like that. banks team leggett.
poppy says" boy time changes fast." just look here, we are hanging out at king jabba the huts in atlanta.
ok I have seen enough and I am ready to start ruling bow peas.
hey hands don't push him. he is looking for his shirt.
we had fun but now we have to dig on some pig you dig
we got in the last car......it had a twisty tale!
wow what the h is this? this is fun weeeeeeeeeee
oh boy is that a tunnel?
hey that's us weeeeeeeeeeeee
I want to do that every year. it was fun and I didn't want to get off. can we do it again?
here is sophia getting off of the ride. weeeeeeee!
mommy got a stocking stuffer but had a little fun with it before. seeeeee
happy 39th anny bb and buddy! we love to see you guys. see everyone, I told you they were funny.
ok look at me walking. weeeeeeeeee
hey what are we doing now? happy first night of Hanukkah! poppy let me light them and I thought it was great. huh we get to do this how many more times?
look what bubbie got us. every night we get to see what in the next pouch for all eight days! weeeeeeeeeee
here we are my first Hanukkah. guess what? if you add up all the candles you use for all 8 nights plus the helpers it would take 44 candles! very very cool!
hope everyone is having a blast of a decemby like I am. happy holidays everyone!