Monday, April 13, 2009

what a time with bunnies, unky butchie, and texas peoples

say, I see it has been awhile! cool it down bubs, here is what I have been doing lately.

so I am a big girl now. yup! it is true. yeah, sigh.....yep yep yep.

ha ha squeeaaalllll ooooh hehe! did you see that mommy? that was so phunny poppy!

poppy stop it. enough with the pics! mommy and I are watching nick-a-baloonum on the beb. hey come closer........closer........yeah you poppy.......come watch it with us.

see that is what so funny. but I am getting sleepy. yawn. I know lets play in my room after we sleep. ok?

sorry I couldn't wait. I love my room. what's that? my new toy? my yo gabba gabba super cool boom box? ok I will show ya! can we dance? yeaaaaaaah!

oh now that I can walk I like the bird thing, squalk giggle giggle!

what the....? you mean unky butch is real? i thought he was for pretend.

auntie linda and unky l.a came too. they are from texas. that's far away.
the capital of texas is five guys i think.

and then another auntie showed up with a thirdie cousin. and they brought presents. see?

i am going to invite sophia over for a party now that she can sit up.

thanks aunt hilda! and lauren too. she's little like me and bubbie.
bb says 'petite'. mommy says shortie.

bubbie and zayde sent me a book about passover. there was a picture of bubbie in there!
mommy and poppy says this year i don't have to try gefilty fish (mommy says it tastes gefilthy) but i can next year.

then, apparently, a bunny dropped a basket off for me and sophia.

explain this to me again.

okay. now what about eggs?


i am sooo good at this! wait. there's stuff in there. graham crackers! i likes.

there's no eggs in there sophia... but good try.

these eggs make marks...and they taste chalky. bleh

we celebrated mommy's birthday.. my present was a lemon face. enjoy.