wow what fun I have had! these are in close to correct order but I am a fly by the seat of my pants type of girl. Did you know that I love the water? it is true, see? Mommy and poppy got me a silly water caterpillar water thingy. I like it bunches!
but bubbles are my true love! I can blow big bubbles, see?
poppy is purdy good too! see?
I have a new hobby, sleeping with no pants on! but I always seem to wake up with them back on. it is the craziest thing!
boy o boy it has been really hot here. so mommy got me some icy pops. all different colors, but I don't have a favorite one yet.......maybe blue?
I am starting to take my own pictures. this one was to easy but sometimes I can't see anything in the view thingy.
I am getting big too, yup it is true. I am going up stairs and eating at the big girl table. see?
we went to see bb and buddy and the fun bunch at unks and auntie t's in boriner hobbins.

trigger was tired so I got to ride this horsie instead

I am climbin too, yeah! see?

more swimmin and a playin please. this is unks and auntie's new poooooool. weeeeeee

look no hands

check out little man! he is a cool baby.

I want to go wee poppy, ok unk weeeeeeeeee

no more playin this time it is serious

kade likes a darker water see? he thinks it is yummy

wow look out! jansen is awesome!

ok ok you are just showing off now! wait mommy too?

don't worry she is ok. but it took a while to get her back to the standing position

you know it poppy this is fun!

senor unky is silly.

thats how to do it jansen. see it is fun! watch out here i go!

when I got home I was beat! the next day I fell asleep at lunch time. good good sleep.
when we got to buddy and bb's, the BUDDY BOWL WAS OUT!!!!!!! yum!

poppy and mommy always are smiling at me......well most of the time!

time to wake up buddy! up up the sun is almost up.

more horsie!!!!!!!!weeeeeeeee

poppy had a day. I made him stuff and painted a bird house and we went to eat a nice breafkist.
oh and swam too, to get the paint off!
we went to a wedding too! see? we look good!
mommy wore jewelry that was pretty but she and poppy said I was more pretty.
we are in a church. be good ok mommy?
mommy is so silly!
this is glenda and nick they were married. see?
more of my pictures, seees?
sophia was a flower girl. and we danced at the party.
where is everybody? I want to dance!
this is called a bockin chair! weeeee it is fun but mommy looks like a rock star in hers, see?
wow she's preddy!
oh yeah! dancey dance time!
time to go, we had fun but I got really sleepy.
oh yeah I grew! see? and I learned how to beasure too!
water fix stat! lake time!!!!!!!!! hep me! I need poppy to catch me!
oh yeah two three jump!
come on sophia! it feels great.
foster too! he is poppy's swim buddy!
I found a new thing! I want to do this again!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeee
ok bye bye everybody! we have to go on more trips so we have to go before poppy gets a sun burn.....too late.