the paisley support team filled the window at st. mary's which hasn't been done in awhile according to the nursery staff....
happy herschel....
mad paisley....
waking up with poppy
a little one on one paisley time....
coming home:
meeting the furry siblings...
oh wait. did i say coming home? not without the famed hospital steak and shrimp dinner. i ate a baked potato.
checking out her bed...we've waited for this moment...
i kind of looked like this for awhile
then. the first pediatrician visit
first bath - at home that is...
and, finally, one of my favorite pictures
This is the best baby blog ever! Grand work! Good job! Can't wait to see you.
Love you guys,
I love the new blog. Keep posting pictures of Miss Paisley.
April & Herschel
The images are FANTASTC!
Of Paisley that is.
Get used to not be albe to not sleep late for a few years!
A child brought in to the world is a true gift from G-D.
Aunt Pau Pau is now a BUBBY!
Deborah, Leonard and Zachary Goodelman
This is great. Thank you so much for sharing Paisley with us.
Oh, Paisley's grand entrance into the world! I can't wait to meet her in February! She is gorgeous. I hope mommy is feeling good.
Love you guys and I'm so proud. It's long shot away from pigeon, Costa Rica on my back, and hotdogs with mustard only.
I see Berry beat me to it after I directed her to the site today:-). I want to say that she is BEAUTIFUL! You all make such a gorgeous family, and I wish you all the best (and some sleepy time if possible). You guys used to make me laugh until I cried while in France in '98, but when I saw this site, I shed a few tears for a different reason. Yes, I know, cheesy. Again, congratulations.
I love the pictures. I hope you are all doing well and I hope to come back and visit all 3 of you soon.
Love ya!!!!
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