Wednesday, April 16, 2008


hmm. that looks like a bunny right there, i wonder what it's...holy...where did that zipper come from?!

paisley is silently judging you.

mr. bubbles.

the family that fat pants (can be used as a verb in case you weren't aware) together stays together...

quiet time with chreeses.

school (because we don't like to say daycare).... and paisley's desk....

hanging with bun-bun.


Anonymous said...

We are 'hooked' on Paisley!!!!!

The Bloggin Bubbie said...

I just LOVE these pictures. I laughed out loud at the Fat Pants Three. I can't wait to see you.

parker's personal assistant said...

looks like you guys are doing a great job.
two thumbs up, three tail wags, and two approving meows (sorry tipper doesn't like happiness)
love and miss. L