ok pull up a seat. mom and poppy said when poppy was a wee one he used this stool as a table. silly poppy it is a push around toy. now what is chalk?
fun! I make such great art work. hey lets try it over there. just.....a.....minute here......wheres my bucket?
oh man that was fun. so many people walk in the neighborhood here at bubbie and zadie's. lets go inside and play and get away from all of the mosquitoes.
what is a family reunion? ok let's go then. hey, bb and buddy are here, let's hit the road. is it this door?
hey everybody! is everyone here family? hey I get it now yum........this is fun.
hey granny! we really like her a bunch. she tells it like it is.
poppy is showing us all of the neat trees. he looks super cool here.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lets see the lake.......Seminole
this way mommy.
ohhhhhhhh sand. weird.
oh I got a new bathing suit too.
we have to leave surprises for bubbie and zadie before we go.
I don't see them yet, hurry though
hey these are funny. they are not real. hahahahah
nope still not here lets gooooooo home how many hours?
get out of here asap zoinks!
I am not goinnnnnnnnng! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
so why is spring so fun to you guys? sure mommy, I will help you
plants like dirt, ummmm me too
I like to help water the plants and walk the compound and make sure everything is happy.
yup I am good at it. but sometimes you gotta take a water break.
ah look, it stop raining, the compound looks soooooo pretty.
poppy says I am pretty too.
wanna see mommy and poppy? we like to play in my room and read too!
mommy's day! let find out what all of this painting is about. this is fun. I am going to paint you a picture mommy.
silly mommy, wait, neat hand print mommy. I want to try.
close! again!
closer, again.
opps, gettin a little messy here, look out.
hahah this is fun
closer soooooo close.
got it!
why are you laughing at me?
pretty, look, see!
yes please! I want to play in the water.
what is a sand box? thanks bubbie. this is different but fun. it tastes yucky though fyi don't eat this.
want to see what I look like having a really really really good time.
you found me.
want to see something neat? look it waters itself.
these are my beasts!
I have had a great spring and it keeps getting better and better. now bring on the summer, the soybeans the lake the sunflowers. now that you have been caught up and seen my crib......
I got to go night night and you gotta go bye bye, mmmmmmmmmmmmbaahh
Great post! I really enjoyed Paisley's spring adventures. She is a blue eyed cutie!
ya'll are all good lookin'!
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