get up off that tush! I have had some fun this month! yup, it is true! I even grew a half a inch since last we met. so lets put our stuff up and clean up so we can really mess this place up good, wait lets go all over the place and have fun! where to first?
well sophia and I have had lots of fun together this month, you will see but it is ok to believe me now.
ok sophia ok what is it? hahahahaha it does look like you have a heavy orange wedge on your head. what do you think mommy?
oh no she is playing tim and eric again. silly mommy
mommy got a new car! but poppy wants you to see that the black nugget is still kickin it loud and proud. it is like salt and pepper.
this is my comand center. I control all things from this seat. high stress I tell you. this button here.......lets the window down, yes it does.
mommy is so pretty and happy.
lets play. that is all I want to do when I am not eating or sleeping. ready lets go!
lets catch our breath! see it is fun. what's that?
it is more fun!
here I am at water park day tailgate. I love the water and I really like my suit!
close your eyes, for real, ok now the only one to close imagine what a lil april and a lil amy would look like?
now all we need is some beatles music. oh boy lets dance.
wow just like high school wait what is high school?
me and the folks have been planning a lot about the yard. you see over here is where the water park is going, yeah that whole end.
ducks? um I have only heard of them in stories. they quack quack and bit your nose. whats the bread for?
ohhhhhhhhhh thats funny again please.
this was fun and all but you said something about a playground. ummmmmm lets hop to it.
lets get some water. hey leggetts you want to get some too?
we have a zoo? what! I don't believe.
ok ok you told me so sophia! you were right.
I don't remember if this was really really good or bad but look at the concentration!
I can climb up on things........up next driving.
I went to see my cousins new place. and had fun!
satchel got a hair cut. it is tough looking like her but she has spunk.
fathers day was fun. poppy and zadie were all over the place doing man stuff. but then we planted a flower pot that mommy and me picked out all of the flowers that went in to it. some of them are poppies, get it?
I laughed at poppy leg. the shovel just had a mind of it's own.
thats a good way but let me show you a better way.
see like this.
it is hot and we are dirty so lets wash off a bit. whoopsie
that was fun! happy fathers day.
what time is it? oh yeah lake 30! enough hellos lets go swimming pees.
looking good mommy!
hey there is foster d dog.
what is a boat?
do I want to drive? what do you think unky chuck?
he is saying something but he has to much sun screen!
foster has a jacket on too.
this is what I look like when I am ready for a nap. home please.
we got to have a sleep over with sophia. it was fun. mommy and erin are funny.
this was a fun month but I am beat and I must go .....t...o.....slee......p
She gets prettier everyday and I can't believe how big sophia is getting! They are too cute! If i was there i'd have to get those legs!
What fun! It was even fun for us and we weren't even there! Life IS good!
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