wha? hoomagosh...that is an elephant. umm it is a little bit bigger than i expected.
come on sophie let's get out of here... 
mommy and poppy told me that they came here and took a pic here way back in high school back in the 90's

mommy and poppy told me that they came here and took a pic here way back in high school back in the 90's
a petting zoo. okay! i know just what to do... let me get my tools.
is............. that.............. a............ choO CHOO?!
don't look behind us! someone is following us!
I helped out big time on mommy's berfday! see?
I have a bubble problem. see? how could you say no to this bubble addict? side note this is what I look like with a pony tail that looks like a dog butt.
me, poppy, sophia and charlie went to a baseball game.
I lub my sand box but I can't seem to work this shubel. see
ok you want more pics? we got dem right heer. but you gotta be come back later it is nite nite ok?
Just luv these pics. Sigh, so happy.
Paisley, you sure have a busy life! Lots of fun! What a joy you are! We love you!
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