Saturday, May 31, 2008

"May" I, please have another bite?

well what a month! I am trying new foods, a new room, and finding out how funny these people are around me. where to start? well after I got rid of my sniffles I got tricked! those pointy pens again!!!!!!! ouch but I did better though and I got fancy blue scooby band aids!

look at me and mommy, I hadn't figured it out yet!!!!!

we found a old (4 months ago) wee baby hat and it barely fit. does it show my ears off? also trying out the thinking man stance

what the hay! uh.............poppy you see those? move I will check'um out!

zonik! it it it is them!!!!!!! the ouch pens!!!!!! we gotta blow this joint asap!

you all are jerks! and I am not happy with you people!

look at my new throne! this is where I do my work and you serfs do my bidding. now feed me pees.

not that.......what, do I like this? maybe.

so all I have to do is shake this thing and I get food?

me with my serfs.

I am learning to eat with a spoon soooooooooo good! now I am ready for the samurai sword next.

and best of all, my new pad! no not that silly. no not my diaper! my new home!!!!!!


The Bloggin Bubbie said...

What a sweet beautiful family story, except for those sharp pins. Thanks for the up date.

parker's personal assistant said...

i see the near and p eating peas from the can together.

amy and eric and mallory said...

What a busy month!! Congrats on the new place!! Mallory gets her first round of shots this Monday,we are not looking forward to it!!