Saturday, June 7, 2008

we went to tha outside and we wreally neededed a gud sun hat.

so mommy wanted to get some purdy plants for the new house but it is wreally wreally hot and sunny. mommy got all of my best sun hats and we had a hat show to find the best one for me to beat that hot mean ol' mr. sun! this is one of the first what do you tink poppy?

whats the face poppy? stop laughing...............ok next one peas!

what about dis one?

yeah you like it? let me seeeeeeeeeee!

I LIKE IT! hold the presses no need to try anymore. we have found the correct hat for mommies big day at her nursery not mine. thumbs up from me and mommies too!

ok lets go! lets find the best est phlowers for mommy. but poppy while I am in the baby bjorn..... I drive, ok?

mommies looks cute in all of the flowers......hey poppy take me over there I want to touch that flower.

no no that one. over there.

boy I phil like an exploreerer. don't I look like a scientist on safari?

hey I want to help push.

I like mommies day in the flowers. I think Mommy had fun............

what do you think? the answer is yup!


The Bloggin Bubbie said...

Oh my, Paze is a star. She is the cutest little one in the whole bunch.
I am so excited to get to be with her next weekend. This blog at the nursery is quality. I love it.


mopeymacaroni said...

she can definitley wear a hat. looks good! work it girl

amy and eric and mallory said...

She picked the right hat!! Mallory has those same sunglasses!!