i have been
sooooo busy i really must say...
let me think. oh yea. first,
sophia came over to play.

it was fun but then the next thing i know she's a-napping in my bed. i had to get in there and take control of the situation.

nobody gets my

then it was my turn for a nap but when i woke up i looked like this

mommy and poppy said a bird named
rodney sleeps in my hair. they are weird sometimes.

oh! i can stand by myself see? sometimes i try to walk. my record so far is 8 steps. that is a lot because i am not very tall yet.

i'm trying to watch sesame street!

i went to
jansen's birthday party. she is 5!

grandpa buddy. he always wanted a mustache.

here's me and
jaden. she's still a baby...she won't be one year old until two weeks. ha! what a baby.

nah nah nah
i'm already one

wait...they call you what?

psst. you see that guy behind me? that's
unc. he pinches me and he might just be a t-

i was really pooped after the party but i had to show grandma
bb how to shake two things at once. she is pretty good i think so we are going to form a band. want to see me slide into home plate?

da. did you forget that i can stand up?

up next.... bubbie is coming, a birthday for jaden, and tons more fun.
WOW! The fun has just begun! February is going to be a really busy month! YOU are awesome! We had so much fun this weekend! We can't wait to do it again!!!!
Thanks for remembering our birthdays. Boy, I sure am glad I'm the baby in this group. I'm just the youngest!!!
Love you,
what a cutie!! miss my little marshmellow girl.
can i have her!!?? miss personality!
had to come back for another shot of belly!!
Paisley is too cute for words. we'll be heading that way this summer, we got to get these girls together!
that top picture looks like a herschel face.
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