boy-o-boy am I beat! I have had one big time of a feb. I kicked my pacifier addiction, had a cold, went to big cousins 1year old bday, had my first sleep over, I like bean of any kind, and I found out about snow! here is old timer jaden.
she did a great job on her cake. um I on the other hand would have gone about it a bit differently.
miss sophia slept over and we had a big ol time! she really likes poppy. yeah, he is the best!
this is how we share. weeeeeeeeeee so much fun.
what are bubbles?
say what now? hey what is all this stuff in the tub?
yuck get it off off now! there is something in the tub! what? that's bubbles?
ok I see, a bit weird but it is kind of silly...........why you guys laughin so much?
we made a snow man! his name is stitchard. it was fun. I am , I think might need some more time out here.
I give you mr. stitchard!
see ya later stitchster!
mommy looks so pretty in the snow. she is so happy in the snow.
want to see me skiing? yeah me too what is skiing? here I am walking though.
we found a mysterious hole in the front yard. turns out is was just the shut off valve to the h2o line.
ohhhhhh that is skiing. thanks for showing us mommy.
snow makes everything so pretty
happy snow day everyone!
p.s. Get me outta here! this lady (listen now I am whispering, really it is mommy) is going nuts in here!!!!
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