Monday, March 2, 2009

na na we had a snow day

go ahead, have a seat. oh wait we had 7 inches of snow! we played and had fun all day today. what's sliding? weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I like that. more more faster!

that was close. we almost hit poppy's ugly "snow it".

let's go farther out. get the wagon out.

hey mommy, make a snow angel. but don't get a wet tush.

berry nice!

poppy keeps throwing snowballs. come on mommy lets get him. yeah!

oh no look out, the camera!

sorry poppy. you look silly with snow all over your head.

go get the "it" mommy!

again, again!

now the dismount!

nice one mommy.


Anonymous said...

What fun you had on your snow day! We love you and wish we could have been there to share in the fun!

The Bloggin Bubbie said...

So FUN!!!! Looks like the next Pampers ad...for real.

nibbler said...

miss you guys. can i come live with you and be your nanny?

Schlenker Doodle said...

You guys make me laugh. Wish we could have played with you.