Saturday, February 13, 2010


hello all! see me up there? this is our house with s..sno on it. I had fun in it but it didn't stay long. we went for a walk, I brought my lake float just in case.

mommy needed to hold my hand so she wouldn't fall, see

poppy's weather stick said that it had ssnowded out side. see

pretty!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhhh

mine! with sno on it

cold roooster. he needs a kacket. see

I think sno makes everything pretty and happy, more peas

meanwhile I am learning tons ot stuff over here, I can fish now, see?

I can sn sn sn sneak and march and other stuff

I have mommy under my spell now it is your turn. you can't resist my cute power

closer, closer, closer now...almost.......

almost, good ..........I need a cookie and momo! I said,

COOKIE AND MOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh by the way mommy painted my toe nails! yup I am a big girl now, it is true.

we go to the library every weekend now. it makes me happy, see?

no poppy to the library not the greenhouse.

here is my main boy cousin kade! he is funny and sleeps a lot, those were the days.

poppy! your silly

what do we have here? yummmmmmm w.t.heck? a big girl cup! no straw!!!!!! yes

make a wish!!!!!!!

I feel weird. what is a sugar hIGHHHHHHHHHHHH!

come on lets play! here! no here! no wait! hey man let me hold your vcr.

the ladies, heyyyyyyyy

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! more more NOW!

more more

back at home, yeah it snowed. pretty fun, see? momo came out too.

I have POPPY's eyes, see? isn't mommy pretty? yeahhhhh

this is my face I make, see?

my tutu and I have fun adventures together, see?

ok bye bye for now.

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