woa. let's back up a little here...all this snow got me excited and i forgot all about all the other stuff we've been doing which is crazy because some of it was my birthday! i'm 2 thank you very much.
even the cat in the hat came to my party! okay it was really bubbie.

birthday snackies with the ladies.

me and sophie have lots in common..

mommy and poppy will never learn about red icing.

jaden is giving you the stare. the stare that says get away from my snackies.

ok. so now i am 2. let's go see some fishies!

poppy always wanted to be a shrimp boat captain

woa poppy! over here.

no. i don't like that. let's get out of here.

oh. i like this place a lot. i got my own liberry card!

it looks like i am sucking my thumb but i'm not. that's gross. thumbs are only for saying heyyy like some guy named the fonz.

me and my furry sister, astro. she's old and sometimes smelly but i give her hugs anyway.

then it was time for jaden to turn 2! since i already did that, i went to offer moral support (and play with bubbles, duh)

um do you even know how to drive?

poppy thinks i will want to drive this when i'm something called sixteen.

i think i will pick my own thank you very much.

okay so now i've just been hanging around doing my thing. you know....customizing my rocket,


reading to poppy,

(i am always having to shush him)

and hanging with sophia.

so until next time i guess...
Wow, Paisley! You sure have been a busy girl!!!!! Love you!
The pix of Paisley & Astro needs to be sent to the Weather Channel for the best snow pix.
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