Friday, July 4, 2008

shots of what now?

hey we have never been in the igloo room! this is fun! like the lake on a towel with toys even!!!!! hey wait a minute, where are we again? hey who's at the door?

it's the lady from last time!!!!!! quick, cover my bikini diapers and lets neak out of here.

I am not kidding here. come here peas.

lean in and hear me. closer, closer........we gotta go now the bindow is closing fast.

I know! let cover our heads and hide. come on it's worth a try. no no like me. hey is that polar bear looking at me funny? shhhhhhh he knows to much....

man! my keys are locked in this thingy here. just let now this goes over here.......hey what are we doing again?

oh crap!

I am so mad at you guys right now. you have no idea......really none at all..........beyond words or breathing for that matter. mom please don't shhhh me right now. I am dealing with something that shhhhing really doesn't help thanks. hey look yellow......I am going to sleep now.

1 comment:

amy and eric and mallory said...

Paisley you are too cute!! Looks like you had fun at the lake!!